There will be a number of social and networking events. See the main program or calendar for detailed programming. For any questions about the social events, contact EC ’21 Social Chair Kira Goldner (
You can find the relevant materials for networking events at this link, such as questions for speed networking and the list of hosted conversations.
Board Games and Whiteboards
In the Lounge, there are three tables for each of One Night Werewolf, Codenames, Pictionary, and crosswords, as well as two tables with collaborative whiteboards. Think of these as the tables at conferences outside the sessions where you can sit with friends and colleague to play games or chat about research ideas.
Board games and whiteboards are available in the Lounge on Gather at all times when there are no other scheduled events in the Lounge. In particular, join us at 12-12:30am Eastern on Thursday, July 22 to socialize with board games for the last day of the main program.
EC Puzzle Hunt
All attendees are invited to join in for our custom EC Puzzle Hunt! In teams of approximately five, groups will work together on puzzles by Vivien Ripoll (of Solving Fun). Attendees may continue to solve the puzzles at any time at the website here by solving the password puzzle .
Puzzle sessions are held in the Lounge on Gather on Monday, July 19, 1-2pm, and Tuesday, July 20, 1-2am. All times are Eastern.
Speed Networking
All attendees are invited to a speed networking event. Meet a new member of the EC community every two minutes, learning a bit about each other using prompted questions.
Speed networking sessions are held in the Lounge on Gather on Tuesday July 20 8-8:30am, 4-4:30pm and Wednesday July 21 4-4:30am. All times are Eastern.
Junior/Senior Tables
Students and postdocs are invited to share a small virtual table in Gather for an informal chat with a more senior member of the EC community.
Junior/Senior tables are held in the Lounge on Gather on Tuesday July 20 12-12:30pm, Wednesday July 21 12-12:30am and Thursday July 22 4-4:30am, 8-8:30am. All times are Eastern.
Diversity Meeting
EC is hosting its Fourth Annual Diversity Meeting (previously known as the “Women’s Breakfast”) at EC 2021. This will be a casual event to network and strengthen community among EC’s diverse participants (and allies) at EC. All who identify as such or as an invited to attend.
Diversity Meetings are held in the Lounge on Gather on Wednesday July 21 8-9am and 12-1am Eastern.
Econ vs. CS Face-Off
EC may seem like this ideal interdisciplinary conference where Econ and CS intersect perfectly… but what happens when we stop playing nice and see, once and for all, who’s better? Come see our economist candidates face-off with our computer scientist candidates in this trivia game-show to settle this age-old question! Hosted by Alon Eden and Kira Goldner.
The Econ vs. CS Face-Off is held in the Lounge on Gather on Wednesday July 21 4-4:30pm Eastern.
The Coauthor Wars
Tune in for this game show where pairs of close collaborators compete to see which pair knows each other the best. Hosted by Chara Podimata and Kira Goldner.
The Coauthor Wars is held in the Lounge on Gather on Thursday July 22 12-12:30pm Eastern.
Hosted Conversations
All attendees are invited to join a virtual table in Gather for a conversation on topics ranging from teaching to the job market to social good and applications… and more!
Hosted conversations are held in the Lounge on Gather on Thursday July 22 4-4:30pm and Friday July 23 4-4:30am. All times are Eastern.
Schedule of Events
All times are Eastern.
Board Games and Collaborative Whiteboards are available in the Gather Lounge at all unscheduled times.
Monday, July 19 | |||
1-2:00pm | EC Puzzle Hunt | Gather Lounge | Main Program |
Tuesday, July 20 | |||
1-2:00am | EC Puzzle Hunt | Gather Lounge | International Replay |
8-8:30am | Speed Networking | Zoom from Gather Lounge | Main Program |
12-12:30pm | Junior/Senior Tables | Gather Lounge | Main Program |
4-4:30pm | Speed Networking | Zoom from Gather Lounge | Main Program |
Wednesday, July 21 | |||
12-12:30am | Junior/Senior Tables | Gather Lounge | International Replay |
4-4:30am | Speed Networking | Zoom from Gather Lounge | International Replay |
8-9:00am | Diversity Meeting | Gather Lounge | Main Program |
4-4:30pm | Econ vs. CS Face-Off | Gather Lounge | Main Program |
Thursday, July 22 | |||
12-1:00am | Diversity Meeting | Gather Lounge | International Replay |
4-4:30am | Junior/Senior Tables | Gather Lounge | International Replay |
8-8:30am | Junior/Senior Tables | Gather Lounge | Main Program |
12-12:30pm | The Coauthor Wars | Gather Lounge | Main Program |
4-4:30pm | Hosted Conversations | Gather Lounge | Main Program |
Friday, July 23 | |||
12-12:30am | Board Games | Gather Lounge | International Replay |